
1299 156th Ave NE Ste 115,
Bellevue, WA 98007




901 Boren Ave suite 1733
Seattle WA 98104

Family Dentistry

Teen's Dentistry

Most parents know the teen years present unique challenges. When it comes to your teen’s dental health, rapid changes seem to happen almost daily. A good partnership with our team can help you and your teen survive these sometimes difficult years.

Adult's Dentistry

Sometimes dental problems follow otherwise healthy people through life. Understanding the causes of dental disease can eliminate the frustration that builds as teeth deteriorate. Creating a customized preventive routine can leave you looking forward to your dental visits.


Deep crevices run across the chewing surface of molars. Even though a toothbrush can skim these surfaces, bacteria still settle into the narrow grooves beyond the bristles’ reach. Cavities may form and end up affecting the tooth’s nerve without warning, destroying valuable tooth structure. Protecting the grooves with a resin sealant may help prevent decay in your child’s back teeth.

Ortho Screenings

Metal grins fill the pages of many high school yearbooks. But braces offer benefits at many different stages of life. Identifying problems at a young age allows for early intervention which can often reduce how long your child is in treatment. Monitoring growth and development at your child's regular preventive visits are just a part of our commitment to your family's dental health.

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